Thursday, March 29, 2012


Love is nothing but a passion,
So sturdy and pure,
That’s nurtured and shared despite not being near,
All test it endures irrespective of the hardship it bear.

What is love but a power.
To bring the mighty to cower,
With the courage to pull down the mountain,
And standstills times’ endless fountain.

What is love but a Concord,
A magnificent goal conquered,
The merging of two soul and heart,
A bond that cannot be ripped apart.

What is love but a champion,
To pull down the tyrant to the floor,
And raise the flag of friendship and peace,
And cease the fear of death and disease.

What is love but a bonfire,
To guide the shillyshallied heart,
A blazing light on the shore,
To refuge from the enemies roar.

What is love but endless,
Eternal and Bliss,
A flame that outlives the darkness of night,
And makes life illuminating bright.

So let me tell you from the highest mountain,
That no reason is strong to bend my love for thee,
And I promise not to break in the toughest turf.


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