Thursday, February 11, 2010


Her presence made me feel secure,
She always cared but little did she let me know.

Sometimes angry, sometime amusing.
Moments with her were just amazing.

She screamed at me,
When she felt I was wrong.
I felt insulted wondering this is where I belong.

Embarrassment turned into animosity.
I drank to lessen my curiosity.

People around had little idea,
Wondering what has gone wrong.

I cried for the first time.
Nudging & coaxing,
To make me understand.

Share thy problem to find thy solution.
But I uttered No word.
This increased their confusion.

Aunt gave me sedative,
To make me numb.
After a while I passed out in their front.

Woke up with a headache,
Looked for my phone.
And Read the messages
To understand the commotion.
It was too late to seek any explanation.

Carrying the load of my fucked up life.
God, Please Help to avoid turning my well-wishers to malice..

By: Md. Azharuddin Khan

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The Under-construction structure,
Unsure this is how my MBA life gonna be,

Already late by a couple of weeks,
Thousand thoughts streaks,

Admin was friendly,
Their treasury loaded with all our money.

Choice was mine,
Sec-E or Sec-A, whichever I opine.

Without any logic I choose E,
Little I wonder how is it gonna be.

Unshaven look, spectacle stuck across my nose,
Enough for people to comment on my pose.

All eyes spooked at me,
As if I am a criminal hiding from the agency.

Seniors barged to elect the CR,
I stood, trusting my PR.

Curiosity strikes,
Malice arrives,
“Let my friend win for my privilege to survive.”

Managed 5 ,
Thanks those who were Nice,
Wonder whether their decision were wise.

Pretending to be wise,
Not letting incorrect pronunciation arise.
Speak when required otherwise keeping mum was nice.

Met some recognizable faces in the smoking arena,
Felt like found a lost friend from the jungle of Vienna.

Appearing to be busy to avoid eye-contact,
Was the defense against all eyes that attacked?

Praying, time to get over,
Little attention to the lecture,
More on how to win over?

Class dismissed bringing sigh of relief,
Walking back Home was the moment of peace.
I thanks all for the experience un-ceased.

By: Md. Azharuddin Khan

Saturday, February 6, 2010


President speak
“Let every soul have a roof”.
Not concerning how they gonna use.

Low credentials sighs,
And queue up at the Bank’s Aisle.

Dispersing loan ain’nt fun,
What about the “Bank’s run”?

People woof that they have their Roof.
What about the mortgage scoop?

Insurance assure,
But can they handle all?

Derivatives were nice,
But not very wise.

CDO’s was the buzz,
Later they realize it’s all gonna burst.

People evade the Bank’s cheque,
What about their Income & Assets.

They have None,
It isn’t fun.

Banks went for a toss,
Nobody to look after their loss,

Not able to meet the employees pay,
They fold their hand and stop their hay.

Demand declines,
Assembly line unaligns.

Inflation dips,
Rates declines.

Don’t you people know,
We are not fine.

“No job” reaches the swine.

President intervenes,
To lessen thy loss,
Could’nt save the one that has already tossed.

“Bailout” was the cry,
Don’t they realize?
Whether Afghanistan & Iraq was right.

India and China races the mile,
Overtaking the nations,
Those were once divine.

How about making career in this Time?
By: Md. Azharuddin Khan

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My mother’s pain rewarded with my cry,
All the agony passed by with my Smile.

Ever I wondered the reason for my plight,
Little eyes fountain tears at their sight.

Father was happy to see me smiling,
Kissed my head to convey his blessing.

I cuddled to the side,
To catch more sleep.

Relatives’ ensemble,
To get my glimpse,
Some says I resemble more of Mom,
Others felt that they were wrong.

How does that matter a child so innocent,
Little I wondered about their inclination.

My life was clean like a slate,
Too early to judge my fate.

Body was pink,
Legs were thin,
Arms weren't strong,
Tender and slender,
Fragile and Soft,
Strong and gentle emotions around.

Careless and blissful,
Amazing and Gone..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Islam means peace,
Still people are not pleased.
   It’s maligned and made fun of,
See it for yourself before you further mock.

Turn to Quran.
It’s the book for mankind,
It urges you to be kind,
It’s the book which correspond with Science,
To the “Blind” it’s the sign,

During the Dark Age,
What was the earth’s shape?
What did man knew about embryology?
Astronomy was alien,
But Quran answers all,
Isn’t that miracle?
Oh, you people respect my Quran.

People perceives that Muhammad (pbuh) is our Lord,
It isn’t true,
He ain’t No God,
A servant to the master,
He was here to save the world from disaster.
He abolished slavery,
Gave the women their due dignity,
Humble & clean,
Always ready to support,
The Right & The victim,

The pillars of Islam,

Shahadah -
Oneness of God,
Salat- The prayers,
Zakat- Charity,
Sawm – Fasting,
Hajj – Pilgrim.
Where does it talk about killing innocent being?
Why don’t they see,
What is best and why do they propagate,
What is not good for anyone’s interest?

Respect mankind
By respecting things what they believe is divine.
Religion join people,
Politicians create divide by using religion as a tool to survive.
I join my hand and bow to the almighty,
Let peace prevail,
And the demons exhale.

By: Md. Azharuddin Khan